Wet Shine Tire Dressing

$17.99 $14.99

Wet Shine Tire Dressing is a water-based dressing that allows anyone to recreate that kickable bright wet shine of brand new cars on tires and other rubber, vinyl, and plastic around your car. Buy it now.


Clean surface before application. apply with a sponge or applicator pad. Gently worh into surface.

Remove any excess with a microfiber towel.

Re apply as needed. Safe for use on plastic, rubber and vinyl surfaces.

Use This Shine Tire Dressing To:

-Lay down a shine that will get you kicking your tires all over again

-Enhance a deep black shine

-Restore new black look to trim

-Help prevent future fading from sunlight

-Achieve perfect non-slippery feel

-Extra gloss enhancers ror intense shine 9 preserves your tires rich blach looh.

Protects from harmful elements that can cause craching 8 fading.

Wet ShineTire Dressing is blended premium water-based dressing.

Isn’tjust for rubber tires. try it on textured plastic, rubber and Uinyl parts too.

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